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Gender identity and deprivation

Explore what the Census 2021 shows us about gender identity and deprivation in London's neighbourhoods.

How to use this tool

  • Use the drop down menu to select a gender identity and see where Londoners with that identity are located.
  • The deprivation chart at the bottom will update to show the proportion of the selected population with the selected gender identity in each London neighbourhood. The x axis shows each neighbourhood's deprivation level.
  • To look at a borough in more detail, select it from the dropdown menu or click on it in the map. This will show a detailed look at its neighbourhoods, which will be highlighted in the deprivation chart.

These data were originally published on the basis of the ONS confirming that the question met the requirements of public acceptability, of being understood by respondents and providing the data needed by users. Following publication, the Office for Statistical Responsibility (OSR) undertook a review into the statistics collected on gender identity for the Census (with the final report published in September 2024) and found some problems with question wording leading to potential flaws in the data. They reported that:

The evidence indicates that people may have found the question confusing and therefore gave a response that did not reflect their gender identity. This appears to be more likely for people who do not speak English as their first language.” (OSR 2024)

As a result, the status of the England & Wales Census 2021 gender identity statistics have been downgraded to “official statistics in development” from “official statistics”.

However, the data presented here on the transgender community are based upon write-in answers where people gave a specific identity, which the OSR acknowledges are broadly comparable to statistics on the transgender community in the Scottish Census 2021 and give a good indication of the trans population.

Our priority is, and always will be, to ensure that the London's Poverty Profile represents and provides insights into the lives of London's richly diverse population and for now, the data presented here from the census is the best that is available for helping to understand the size and distribution of the transgender community in London. For a more in depth discussion of the status of statistics on gender identity from the census, please see our updated blog on the issue here.