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Census 2021 deep dive: gender identity and deprivation in London

Author: WPI Economics

The Census 2021 provides us with the most comprehensive and up to date picture of London’s population. This is our third piece in a series of interactive maps and deep dives exploring what the data shows us about London’s populations and deprivation. Here we explore the link between gender identity and deprivation.

Census 2021 is the first census to ask a question about gender identity and it allows us to measure the size of the transgender population in the UK for the first time. A voluntary question - that was answered by 91% of London’s residents - asked census respondents if the gender they identify with is the same as their sex registered at birth. If they answered “No”, respondents were able to write in their gender identity.

This is a hugely important step towards having robust and consistent data on part of London’s population (and indeed the whole UK’s), that has previously been absent from systematic data collection. However, it is also very much a first step. Any significant changes to major population studies come with risks, including around respondents’ understanding of the question and non-response. As such, new and even established questions in household surveys go through revisions and improvements over time. This is as true for this set of questions on gender identity as it is any other area. As such, it is unsurprising that there is ongoing debate about how different populations may have interpreted the wording of the question and the validity of the results that come from Census 2021.

After some users raised concerns regarding the estimates of the transgender population, the ONS and the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) undertook a review into the statistics collected on gender identity for the Census. One particular concern that has been highlighted is around the high proportion of people with low English proficiency selecting that they have a gender identity different from their sex registered at birth, but giving no specific identity. The OSR review attributes this to the question wording and shows that different question wording in Scotland’s Census did not show the same pattern with regards to English proficiency. As a result, the status of the England & Wales Census 2021 gender identity statistics have been downgraded to “official statistics in development” from “official statistics”. Official statistics in development are official statistics that are being tested with users, in line with the standards of trustworthiness, quality, and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics.

However, the ONS and OSR acknowledge that the results for the trans population – those who specified a transgender identity – are broadly comparable between Scotland and England & Wales and although caution needs to be taken when interpreting data on gender identity, the data presented here can be used to give an indication of the trans population.

For now, the data from the census is the best that is available for helping to understand the size and distribution of the transgender community in London. As such, the sections below outline what we can say based on this data.

Transgender identity in London

Among respondents from London, 0.44% of the population reported a transgender identity. The distribution of these respondents varies by borough across London with Hackney (0.63%), Haringey (0.61%) and Brent (0.6%) having the largest proportion and Bromley (0.23%), Richmond upon Thames (0.25%) and Havering (0.26%) having the smallest.

There is also variation in the number of people identifying as trans men and trans women across London boroughs. The highest population of trans women is found in Barking and Dagenham (0.25%) and the lowest in Bromley (0.07%). For trans men, Brent (0.28%) has the highest population and City of London (0.06%) the lowest.

Transgender identity and deprivation

Existing research shows that transgender Londoners are a marginalised group who face multiple barriers regarding healthcare, education, housing and employment. The responses to Census 2021 also suggest a correlation between Londoners with a transgender ID and areas with higher levels of deprivation.

In London’s 10% most deprived neighbourhoods, the proportion of transgender residents (0.46%) is more than 3 times higher than in the 10% least deprived (0.148). The London neighbourhood with the highest proportion of transgender residents is St Raphaels in Brent (1.4%), which is among the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods in London. Conversely Crofton in Bromley is the only London neighbourhood with no transgender residents and among the 10% least deprived neighbourhoods.

Zooming in on Haringey

The interactive census map also allows us to see this trend playing out within boroughs. In Haringey, the results suggest that both trans men and trans women are more likely to live in more deprived neighbourhoods. The transgender community on average makes up 0.68% of the population in Haringey’s most deprived neighbourhoods – e.g. Lordship Lane & Broadwater farm (0.88%) and Tottenham Green East (0.86%) – but only 0.33% of the population in the least deprived neighbourhoods - e.g. Alexandra Park (0.26%).

Deprivation and transgender identity in Haringey

Population of trans men and women in Haringey neighbourhoods

A similar correlation can be seen in many other boroughs across the city. Explore the interactive map to see the link between deprivation and gender identity in your borough.