Understanding London
London is one of the world’s wealthiest cities. But millions of Londoners struggle to make ends meet. London’s Poverty Profile brings together over 100 different indicators to help us understand poverty and inequality in our capital city.
Explore our data by
By Topic
Explore data on different topics like housing and homelessness, living standards and poverty, and work, worklessness and benefits.
By Demographics
Poverty impacts everyone differently - explore what it looks like for different people across age groups, ethnicity, migrant status, disability, work status and more.
By Borough
Learn about the unique make up of poverty and inequality in each of London's 32 boroughs.
London in numbers
of Londoners are living in poverty -
of Londoners living in non-white households are living in poverty -
of single parents households in London are living in poverty
What's new?
Each month we update different indicators when new data becomes available.
Updated January 2025:
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