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Funding for decent work

Everyone with a regular income should be able to make ends meet. We want all working Londoners to enjoy decent pay, dignified working conditions and to have a say in the decisions that affect their jobs.

Apply for funding
Employer and employee shaking hands

Our impact goals

Under this priority area we have three impact goals. These are the changes we want to see in London by 2030. We want to fund work that moves towards these three goals:

1. Improving access to rights for all workers

We want to see a system of employment justice that ensures that all workers have access to decent pay, dignified conditions and can seek remedy when needed.

Under this goal we'll fund employment rights advice and strategic legal action.

Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

2. Increasing jobs that provide decent pay and conditions

We want more jobs in London to pay, as a minimum, the real London Living Wage and to come with dignified working conditions.

Under this goal we'll fund campaigns, organising, research and policy work that is focused on increasing jobs that provide decent pay and conditions in London.

Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

3. Ensuring that worker experiences inform technological advancements

We want the introduction of technology and artificial intelligence in workplaces to be informed by the experiences of low-paid workers.

Under this goal we'll fund a variety of work that helps ensure workers' experiences inform the roll-out of technology and AI, including campaigns and research.

Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

What we're looking for

Hear from grants manager and decent work lead Tripta Bains on the kind of work we're looking to fund

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What we're funding

Speak to the team

Book a call with our decent work lead, Tripta. You'll be asked to take a short eligibility quiz, and then taken to a page to book a call.

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