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Households and their work status by net income quintile

Work status of London households by net income quintile (2022/23)

Last updated: June 2024
Next estimated update: September 2024

What does this indicator show?

This indicator shows the work status of London households, split by income quintile. We can use it, for example, what percentage of London households on the lowest 20% of incomes have all adults in full-time employment.

What does it tell us?

This indicator tells us that household work status is closely related to household net incomes. Overall, households with lower net incomes are more likely to include inactive, retired or unemployed adults. 

For example, just 8.5% of households on the 20% lowest income live in households where all adults work full time. By contrast 63.3% of those in the top 20% of the net income distribution live in households where all adults work full time. 

Nearly one in five of those in the bottom net income quintile live in economically inactive households, compared to just 0.7% of those in the top net income quintile. 

Want to know more?

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