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Poverty by type of working household

Proportion of people in London in poverty by type of working household over time (1998/99 - 2022/23)

Last updated: May 2024
Next estimated update: May 2025

What does this indicator show?

This indicator shows the percentage of people in poverty, split by their household working status. It focuses on families where at least one adult is in work, to explore the nature of in-work poverty in London. For example, we can see the percentage of people who live in a household where all adults are in full-time work that are in poverty.

What does it tell us?

Household work status is closely related to the likelihood of the household being in poverty. This indicator shows that, on average, the fewer adults who are in work, the more likely the household is to be in poverty:

  • Households where one or more adult works part time (and none work full time) have the highest poverty rate. Nearly half of people (43%) living in such households are in poverty.
  • In contrast, only 9% of people who live in households where all of the adults work full-time are in poverty. 
  • In households with two adults where only one works full time, the poverty rate is higher for those where the other adult does not work (29%) than those where the other adult works part-time (10%).

Want to know more?

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