English Index of Multiple Deprivation (rebased for London) (2019)
Education Skills and Training Deprivation Domain (rebased for London) (2019)
The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is an overall relative measure of deprivation constructed by combining 7 domains of deprivation (with different weightings). The Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) highlight how it varies with one of its domains - 'Education, Skills and Training', which measures the lack of attainment and skills in the local population.
The Education, Skills and Training domain (which makes up 13.5% of the overall index by weight) shows a more noticeable east-west variation than the overall index and its other domains, which typically have more of an inner/outer London pattern.
- Bexley, Bromley and Havering in the south-east and east of London score noticeably worse (more oranges/reds) in this domain than in the overall index which may reflect historical inequalities in education access that have persisted, in particular here due to older populations. The relatively wealthy populations in these areas counterbalance this which is why they do not show up as so strongly deprived in the overall IMD.
- Conversely, Hackney, Islington, Camden and Westminster score significantly better (more blues), indicating a population that is, in overall terms, still deprived but has access to excellent education opportunities. This may be a result of extensive investment in schooling in the inner city, with initiatives such as the 'pupil premium', tied to the overall deprivation of the school population's households rather than the specific education deprivation measured by the domain.
The maps have all been rebased for London so that, for each map, the bottom 10% of areas in London fall into the first grouping, the next 10% into the next, etc. Each colour therefore represents a similar number of people within London. CDRC have used LSOAs for these maps. LSOAs (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) are small areas designed to be of similar population size, with an average of approximately 1,500 residents or 650 households.
Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/english-indices-of-deprivation-2019