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London's Poverty Profile

Petty coat lane

Understanding London

Many Londoners struggle to make ends meet, secure good quality affordable housing, or tie down the decent work they need to lift themselves above the poverty line.

But who makes up London's diverse populations? Who's in poverty, and where do they live? And how do London's unique characteristics and challenges contribute to its sky-high poverty levels?

London’s Poverty Profile gives you evidence and insight on these questions and more. Explore over 100 different indicators covering topics like housing, work, education, welfare benefits and London’s diverse demography.

London in numbers

  • 24%

    of Londoners are living in poverty
  • 34%

    of Londoners living in non-white households are living in poverty
  • 47%

    of single parents households in London are living in poverty

What's new?

Each month we update different indictors when new data becomes available.

Updated July 2024

People sleeping rough

Households affected by the benefits cap

Voice 02 Dark Green