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What we do

London Living Wage event 2022 - girl looking at photo

We fund hundreds of organisations fighting for economic and social justice in London.

Our 2030 funding strategy

London remains a deeply unequal place. We need a fairer city where everyone has the chance to succeed, no matter their background, identity, or disability.

To achieve this, we fund hundreds of organisations that are fighting for economic and social justice in our city.

These two aims – economic and social justice – are the cornerstone of our 2030 strategy. Sitting under each of them are several priority areas, which set out what we want to fund.

Watch this short video to hear about our 2030 funding strategy.

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Our funding aims

Economic justice

Our work in economic justice is about ensuring that all Londoners have enough money to achieve a decent standard of living. This means focusing on priorities that increase incomes and reduce costs for people living in poverty.

Our priorities under our economic justice aim are:

Economic justice

Social justice

A fairer economy will help many Londoners escape poverty. But even then, some people will be unjustly held back by the way our society works.

Our work in social justice is about creating a city where everyone can thrive, regardless of who they are. Our priority areas are:

Social justice

Poverty in London - the facts

  • 24%

    of Londoners live poverty
  • 34%

    of non-white London households are in poverty
  • 47%

    of single parent households in London are in poverty

Funding types

We can provide funding in the form of grants or social investment.