Imkaan have launched their Safe Minimum Practice Standards (SMPS).
The SMPS are the second in a series of accredited standards and part of a broader Imkaan framework which is designed to support the delivery of effective, high quality specialist provision for Black and ‘Minority Ethnic’ girls, women and their children.
Imkaan Accredited Quality Standards (IAQS) and Safe Minimum Practice Standards (SMPS) are:
While the IAQS focus on all aspects of an organisation’s work including areas such as governance, the SMPS focus primarily on service delivery and practice and the ethos which underpins that practice. The SMPS are specifically designed for small, BME community groups delivering support to BME women and girls affected by VAWG, including more newly established specialist BME ending VAWG organisations. They will support organisations around their own quality assurance processes, as well as providing reassurance to women and girls, funders and commissioners, and other stakeholders, that the work that they do is being delivered safely.
The work was funded by Trust for London and Esmee Fairbain Foundation.
Imkaan are also able to offer bursaries to six groups who wish to be accredited through the SMPS. BME women’s groups in London working around issues such as FGM, will be able to apply to have up to 85% of SMPS costs covered by the bursary.
"We felt it was important for community groups, who have developed knowledge and expertise in tackling issues such as female genital mutilation, to have this endorsed; and for commissioners of services to feel confident that these groups were working to an agreed set of safety standards."
Sioned Churchill, Director of Special Initiatives and Evaluation at Trust for London
"We know that BME women and girls often prefer support which is led and delivered by other BME women. These standards are designed to reflect the expertise and commitment that is held by the women and groups doing this vital work. In practice, the services provided by BME women’s groups are important, yet often undervalued spaces, and sometimes the only place a BME girl or woman feels able to approach for support. We want to ensure that groups are able to work independently and autonomously, while also reassuring girls, women, partner agencies, and funders, that their work is both safe and empowering."
Marai Larasi, Executive Director of Imkaan
The SMPS are available across the UK. However, at this stage, the bursaries are only available in London. If you have any questions, please email us at

18 March 2016