London Challenge Poverty Week takes place from 11 to 17 October 2021.
Trust for London is once again supporting the initiative, with small grants available to put towards events and activities marking the week, and a call for stories around the Better Work theme.
This will be the fourth annual London Challenge Poverty Week, beginning on Monday 11 October and culminating on Sunday 17 October - the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
The pandemic has demonstrated the strengths of London’s diverse community; the willingness of many to go above and beyond to support their neighbours and the extraordinary work done by health and care staff, shop workers, delivery drivers and many others who have kept London running day in day out, while often struggling to keep their heads above water.
However, it has also laid bare the impact of policies that for many years have failed to address or exacerbated inequalities in our community and threaten to fracture it, as London's Poverty Profile 2021 demonstrates.
Londoners want to live in a city free from poverty, where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity. A city in which people don’t have to struggle to pay their rent, they can put food on the table and build a decent life for themselves and their families.
Now is the moment for us all; politicians and decision makers, activists, employers, employees, trade unions, public services, voluntary organisations and local communities, to come together, demonstrate our commitment to these values and challenge poverty once and for all.
The week is an opportunity for all those who care about tackling poverty in the capital to come together to:
- Increase the visibility of the reality of poverty in London
- Encourage positive debate and discussion about poverty
- Show what is being done to tackle poverty and call for the changes we need to end it.
- Get Involved guide
The dedicated London Challenge Poverty Week website has a Get Involved guide with examples of ways to get involved, whether you are a voluntary organisation, community group, trade union, faith group or an individual. - Small grants programme
This year, we have provided £15,000 to support events and activities taking place to help make this the most effective week yet. Grants are to be distributed by 4in10 who are co-ordinating the week with a deadline of Wednesday 31 August 2021 to submit proposals. For more information, contact 4in10@childrenengland.org.uk. - Better Work stories
At the Trust, we will also be focusing on our Better Work theme to demonstrate what can be done and what needs to change in the world of work to tackle poverty in London. If you have a story that you would like to tell around Better Work, do get in touch with us at press@trustforlondon.org.uk where we can provide support.

28 July 2021