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What we fund - Praxis

A co-produced campaign to abolish No Recourse to Public Funds

Funding snapshot

Programme area: Ending migrant destitution

Amount: £152,000

Length of grant: 2020-2023

Mother and daughter Praxis

It was amazing as it was led by people with lived experience. The sense of leadership and everyone felt they were doing something on something affecting them.

NRPF Action group member

The challenge

No Recourse to Public Fund (NRPF) is a policy which means that many people with temporary visas are unable to access state-funded welfare. It’s estimated around 2.6 million people are affected by NRPF – and without access to welfare, many of these people are pushed into deprivation.

The project

Praxis is an organisation fighting for migrant rights. We funded it to carry out a campaign to abolish the use of NRPF, co-produced with migrants affected by the policy. Through its NRPF Action Group, 50 migrant Londoners developed a collective voice. Praxis provided hours of skills development workshops to help the members develop their campaigning skills and confidence.

The action group developed alliances with many organisations across the migration sector and beyond, which helped to involve a wider range of politicians and increase impact. The campaign contributed to two significant policy changes:

  1. A permanent extension of eligibility for free school meals to children living in poverty, regardless of immigration status
  2. An extension of 15-hours a week government-funded childcare for 2-year-olds living in poverty to families with NRPF.

As well as this, Praxis works with London boroughs to improve the approach to NRPF. Through this it has helped Newham to identify service improvements for migrants, and Hackney has become one of the first boroughs to set up a small grant fund for residents with NRPF.


  • 64

    hours of skills development workshops for migrant Londoners impacted by NRPF
  • 26

    MPs engaged with
  • 13,000

    signatures on a petition calling for shorter and more affordable routes to settlement