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Funding for tackling the housing crisis

London has a housing crisis. We believe all Londoners should be able to live in a stable, good quality, affordable home close to their work, school or family.

Apply for funding

Our impact goals

Under this priority area we have three impact goals - the three changes we want to see in London by 2030. We want to fund work that moves towards these three goals:

1. More Londoners can advocate for their housing rights. 

We want to see a London where significantly more low-income people are accessing legal and community-level advice on housing.

Under this goal, we'll fund specialist legal support, renter support, legal education and more. Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

2. A comprehensive government strategy to solve the housing crisis

We want to see a comprehensive government strategy to solve the housing crisis, informed by the experiences of low-income Londoners.

Under this goal, we'll fund policy work, research and campaigning focused on tackling the housing crisis. Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

3. A shared commitment to end temporary accommodation

We want to see a shared commitment to end temporary accommodation for Londoners by 2035.

Under this goal we'll fund organisations working with and advocating for Londoners in TA, work to build the voice of Londoners in TA, and more. Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

What we're looking for

Hear from grants manager and housing lead Susie Dye on the kind of work we're looking to fund

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What we're funding

Speak to the team

Book a 1:1 call with Susie, our housing lead. You'll be asked to take a short eligibility quiz, and then taken to a page to book a call.

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