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Change in gross earnings by income decile

Change in hourly gross earnings by income decile (2017-2019)

This indicator was last updated in 2020. It is now archived and will no longer be updated. Explore London’s Poverty Profile to view our up to date indicators. If you have any questions, get in touch.

In both London and the rest of England, growth in hourly earnings between 2017 and 2019 was fastest for the bottom 10% of jobs; increasing by 4.6% in the capital and 5% in the rest of England. This rise was likely driven by the increase in the minimum and living wages. The National Living Wage (paid to workers over 25) increased from £7.50 an hour in 2017/18 to £8.21 an hour in 2019. 

Change in weekly gross earnings by income decile (2017-2019)

Change in annual gross earnings by income decile (2017-2019)

In London, weekly and annual earnings rose fastest for the highest 10% of jobs. This is particularly true for annual pay (which includes bonuses) which rose by 4% in the two years to 2019 for the top 10%, compared to 1.1% for the bottom 10% and only 0.1% for the 4th decile.

The figures presented here are adjusted for inflation, meaning that for all deciles in both London and the rest of England, earnings increased at least as fast as the cost of living. This marks a change from a long period after the recession where wages fell or were stagnant in real terms. It should be noted that these numbers relate to jobs rather than people or households. Because some people work part-time or have multiple jobs, these figures cannot be used to compare how the resources of individuals or families change over time, but rather how well workers are paid across the income scale.