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Poverty and employment status

Employment status of all adults aged 16+ in poverty (2011/12 - 2022/23)

Last updated: May 2024
Next estimated update: May 2025

What does this indicator show?

This indicator shows the employment status of all Londoners in poverty. By looking at the percentage of people in poverty who are employed, we can see the prevalence of in-work poverty in London.

What does it tell us?

More than half (51%) of working-age Londoners in poverty are employed. Just below half (44%) of those aged 16 and over who are in poverty in London are economically inactive (retired, long-term sick, studying or looking after the home). Another 5% are unemployed.

The proportion of people (aged 16 and over) in poverty who are working is higher in London (51%) than it is in the rest of England (43%). In the last decade, the proportion of people in poverty who are employed has gone up slightly - from 46% in 2012/13 to 51% in 2022/23. The proportion of people who are economically inactive and in poverty has also increased slightly, from 40% in 2012/13 to 44% in 2022/23.

In contrast, since 2012/13, the proportion of people in poverty who are unemployed - that is, not working but actively seeking work - has declined from 14% to 5%

Want to know more?

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