Use the interactive tool below to navigate indicators that show how poverty and inequality affects Disabled people in London.
GCSE attainment by ethnicity (2022/23)
This indicator was last updated in March 2024. It is now archived and will no longer be updated. Explore London’s Poverty Profile to view our up to date indicators. If you have any questions, get in touch.
GCSE attainment is higher in London than in England overall. This is true for both boys and girls, students who do not speak English as a first language, students with Special Educational Needs and students from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Attainment decreased from 2021/22 to 2022/23 in London and England across almost all groups. The only exceptions were Chinese students in London, whose grades improved, and Chinese students in England, whose grades stayed stable. The largest relative fall in attainment was recorded for students with a Special Educational Needs statement.
The decrease in grades from 2021/22 to 2022/23 is likely due to a…
Explore what the Census 2021 shows us about disability and deprivation in London's neighbourhoods.
Proportion of London residents' jobs paid below London Living Wage by disability status (2021)
Disabled Londoners in work are more likely to be low-paid than Londoners who are not Disabled and are in work. The proportion of working Londoners with a disability that are low-paid is above average, and 7 percentage points higher than their neighbours without a disability.
Proportion of Londoners aged 16-64 receiving out-of-work benefits by benefit type (2013-2024 Q2)
Last updated: December 2024
Next estimated update: March 2025
What does this indicator show?
This indicator shows the proportion of working-age Londoners out-of-work and receiving benefits.
What does it tell us?
13.5% of working-age Londoners are out-of-work and on benefits - a slight increase since last year (12.7%).
The number of out-of-work benefit claimants aged 16-64 jumped in 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, peaking at 14.7% in 2021.
The types of benefits claimed by those out of work has also changed in recent years, as Universal Credit has rolled out across the capital. For example, 1% of working-age Londoners were out of work and claiming Universal Credit in 2017. By 2024, this proportion had risen to 10.8% of the working-age population.
Compared to the rest of England
London now has a similar proportion of its working-age pop…
Proportion of Londoners in poverty in families with and without disabled persons (2012/13, 2017/18, and 2022/23)
Last updated: May 2024
Next estimated update: May 2025
What does this indicator show?
This indicator shows the proportion of people living in poverty in London, split by whether they live in a family including a Disabled person or not. We can also see how this has changed over the last decade.
What does it tell us?
Londoners who live in families that include a Disabled person are more likely to be in poverty than those living in families that do not include a Disabled person. In the 3 years to 2022/23, 30% of families that included a Disabled person were in poverty compared to 22% of those without a Disabled household member.
This gap has increased in the last 10 years - from 5 to 8 percentage points .
Want to know more?
If you want to explore this data in more depth, check the 'data source and notes' button on the above charts. This will tell …