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Funding for ending migrant destitution

We want an immigration system that is humane, fair, accessible and treats different groups equally.

Our impact goals

Under this priority area we have two impact goals. These are the changes we want to see in London by 2030. We want to fund work that moves towards these two goals:

1. Supporting migrants out of destitution

We want significantly more people in London to be supported out of the destitution caused by their immigration status.

Under this goal we'll fund specialist legal advice, work that enables lived experience leadership in efforts to end NRPF, and work that increases the effectiveness of immigration advice work in London.

Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

2. An immigration system that supports people's settlement

We want the immigration system to shift its focus away from the hostile environment, to supporting people’s settlement.

Under this goal we'll fund campaigns, research and policy work focused on bringing about a new immigration system that champions settlement and citizenship.

Find out more about what we want to fund under this goal.

What we're looking for

Hear from grants manager and decent work lead Helal Uddin Abbas on the kind of work we're looking to fund

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What we're funding

Speak to the team

Book a call with Abbas, our migration lead. You'll be asked to take a short eligibility quiz, and then taken to a page to book a call. Or, if your query is simple (e.g. less than 50 words) and can be answered over email, drop us a line

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