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London Housing Panel Community Conversations

In summer 2023, the London Housing Panel supported a series of ten community conversations with people whose voices are not heard in discussions about housing and planning.

The conversations were hosted by diverse members of the Panel and its community partners. In autumn 2023 the hosts came together to share and discuss their conversations and identify common themes. This is a report about what people said in their community conversation and what they would like to see change.

There are two reports: a findings report which sets out the key findings from these conversations, and a recommendations report.

Key findings

Four themes stood out across the convesrsations:

  1. Safety
  2. Accessibility
  3. Homes over the course of our lives
  4. The need for a flexible and inclusive planning system

Read more about the key findings in the download below.

20 June 2024

London Housing Panel Community Conversations - findings


Based on the key findings in the report above, the London Housing Panel has made a series of recommendations for the London Plan and Strategic Housing Market Assessment. It sets out four key recommendations - read these in the report below.

20 June 2024

London Housing Panel Community Conversations - recommendations

About the London Housing Panel

The London Housing Panel is made up of 15 grassroots groups and organisations that want the diverse voices of different housing experiences in London to influence the Mayor’s policies. In 2023 the Panel was invited to work with the Mayor’s London Plan team to help them gather evidence as part of their Planning for London programme. Find out more about the London Housing Panel.