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Beyond Box-Ticking: Assessing Local Plan policy impacts on equality and inclusion

Author: Town and Country Planning Association

This guide was developed by the Town and Country Planning Association and funded by Trust for London in connection with the research report 'London – Planning for a Just City? Exploring How Local Authorities Are Embedding Equality and Inclusion in Planning Policy'.

The document is aimed primarily at planning officers and equality officers, and explains how councils can better ensure that the assessment of the impacts of planning policy on reducing inequalities and promoting equality feeds into planning policy development in a meaningful way.

The guidance is structured around five sections:

  1. Positive planning for equality and inclusion
  2. The Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty
  3. Defining the scope of Equality Impact Assessments
  4. The Equality Impact Assessment process
  5. Key considerations within Equality Impact Assessments

14 November 2019

Beyond Box-Ticking: Assessing Local Plan policy impacts on equality and inclusion