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Support grows for Young Londoner’s Manifesto 2024

Peer researchers partnership for young London
Peer researchers partnership for young London

We funded Partnership for Young London's Young Londoners Manifesto 2024 - a co-produced project calling on the Mayor of London to be ambitious about young people. Here, Policy and Campaigns Lead Matthew Walsham provides an update.

Over 100 organisations now support the Young Londoners’ Manifesto, a series of asks for the Mayor and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to help better deliver for young people. It asks for commitments from the next Mayor, such as creating a strategy for children that cuts across all GLA teams, or the appointment of a Deputy Mayor for Young People.

Funded by Trust for London, the manifesto is supported by 105 organisations, working with over 300,000 young people in the capital annually. Support comes from a wide range of sectors including the youth sector (Prince’s Trust, London Youth, Partnership for Young London), the housing sector (Metropolitan Thames Valley, Peabody), the University sector (City University, Royal Holloway University), and the cultural sector (Museum of London).

As part of the peer research advisory board, we have been working to gather insight and data and also the solutions that many young Londoners need to make London a Fairer City. Peer research as young people’s voices have to be part of future decision making. London is a very diverse city, and it is important that young Londoners’ views and needs are reflected in policy and decision making.

Firdaus Adebola, Partnership for Young London, Peer Advisory Board

The manifesto has been read by decision makers across the capital, with young people meeting mayoral candidates. Our next steps will be to bring all organisations together online, chaired by the young people involved in designing the work, on the 25th of July to think about next steps ahead of the General Election. You can join that conversation here.

If you want to sign up your organisation for the manifesto, please click here, or for more information please contact matthew.walsham@cityoflondon.gov.uk.