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London Challenge Poverty Week 2020: Get involved

Author: Trust for London

We'd like to invite you to mark London Challenge Poverty Week on 12-18 October 2020.

London Challenge Poverty Week has been established as an opportunity for Londoners to raise their voices against poverty and show what needs to be done to sort it out. 

A group of London-focused organisations covering a plethora of issues have come together on the steering group. We aim to improve policy responses to poverty in the capital to highlight solutions and make sure that that people with lived experience’s voices are heard in policy discussions. 

There are a number of ways to get involved, and here are some suggestions:

  • Do you have any new data or impact evaluation that you could publish during the week?
  • Could you work with us/others to hold (virtual) events or policy roundtables on key issues?
  • Would you work with us to help amplify the voices of the people you work with?
  • Could you link up with local decision makers?
  • Could you hold a (virtual) open day?
  • Can you promote and support the messages of LCPW on social media, and in joint press work?

If you are interested in taking part in any of the above, please get in touch with Laura Payne who heads up the 4in10 London’s Child Poverty Network for details.