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Second wave of grants awarded under £3 million disability justice fund


Credit: Hugo Glendinning


Credit: Hugo Glendinning

We’re excited to share that we’ve awarded grants to 14 Deaf and Disabled people’s organisations across London, totaling more than £1 million.

All of the projects will help to diversify the disability sector and build the capacity of Deaf and Disabled people’s organisations to campaign for change.

The grants were awarded as part of the disability justice fund, co-funded by Trust for London and City Bridge Foundation. We made the first wave of grants under the fund in 2023.

Disabled people were at the heart of decision-making for the fund. Projects were shortlisted by an advisory panel made up of Disabled activists and movement builders, and they also advised us to ensure the best possible funding decisions were made.

All of the projects are led by Deaf and/or Disabled people in London. The projects and organisations range hugely – from inclusive arts organisations, to grassroots groups led by people with learning difficulties.

Colin Hambrook, from Disability Arts Online, said: "As someone who has been involved in the Disability Arts Movement for over three decades, I’ve seen first-hand the vital role it played in fighting for and securing civil rights for disabled people.

"These rights are now in danger of being lost and we're at risk of losing the knowledge and experience of that generation of disabled people who fought those battles.

"This crucial support from the Disability Justice Fund will help us with the urgent task of galvanising today’s disability rights movement with positive stories of how creativity can drive social change, through resources, training and commissions. It will also help us preserve knowledge and strategies for change for future generations. Disability justice makes a better and more equitable world for everyone. We can’t wait to get started."

Explore the 14 projects using the slideshow below. We have tried to make the slideshow as accessible as possible – but if you do need a plain text version of the projects, find it here.

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Applications are currently closed for our disability justice fund. Find out more about the fund here.