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Annual review and accounts 2023

During 2023 we gave out £9m, totalling 115 grants. Alongside this we provided £805,000 in social investment to support five growing social enterprises.

As we developed our new funding strategy during 2023 (which launched in 2024), we focused on providing continuation grants for existing partners. This provided our partners with ongoing support rather than them having to compete for funding alongside new applications.

The bulk of our grants were awarded through the seven priority areas of our previous strategy. Our disability justice fund also awarded its first set of grants, giving out over £1m to 16 Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations.

It’s been a challenging year for Londoners, with increased cost of living continuing to have an impact, particularly for those already struggling to make ends meet. But we’ve also seen some great strides forward, including the results of amazing campaigning work by partners to make London a Living Wage City, which is already putting extra pounds in people’s pockets.

Dr Omar Khan, Chair

Explore our 2023 Annual Review in the flip book below, or download a PDF at the bottom of the page.

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Total investment in London in 2023: £10,770,269
Total programme funding in 2023: £9,343,312. Total number of grants: 115
A pie chart showing the type of activity as a % of our grant making in 2023. It shows that delivering advice services makes up the highest % of the type of activity funded, followed by grants classed as 'other' and campaigning activity.

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Annual Review 2023 cover

18 September 2024

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