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Social investment

We have been making social investments since 2012 and since then have invested £17m to tackle poverty and inequality across London.

Well grounded jobs banner

We're not just about grants! We know some organisations need flexible, low-cost loans or equity to grow and deliver social impact. We can help with this.

We want to support diverse, enterprising, and impactful organisations who find accessing other sources of investment difficult or too expensive. We're particularly interested in investing in:

  • Organisations and projects led by the people directly affected by the issues addressed
  • Smaller organisations – maybe those trying investment for the first time.

Our primary focus is on unlocking impact, so our financial terms are generous. But invested funds are all repayable – so we can lend them again.

We're open and transparent about what we can and can’t invest in and will be happy to discuss ideas with you – so do get in touch if your organisation is:

  • Based and works in London
  • Has been operating for at least one year
  • Has a clear social mission
  • Can provide a business and financial plan

Size of investment is flexible and can be as small as £50,000 up to a £1m, but what matters is the positive impacts your work can create.

Get in touch

If you think social investment could be right for you, get in touch with our social investment manager Luke Kavanagh for an informal chat. You'll be asked to take a short eligibility quiz, and then taken to a page to book a call with Luke.

Book a call.