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A strategy to solve the housing crisis

We want to see a comprehensive government strategy to solve the housing crisis, informed by the experiences of low-income Londoners.

The problem we're trying to solve

London’s housing crisis is so severe, that the only way to solve it is through significant government action. Our goal is for the government to develop a strategy, informed by the experiences of low-income Londoners.

At the same time, property in London is too often used as a financial asset rather than a home. Our system relies on ever increasing house prices, attractive to overseas investors looking for a secure return. Homes remain under-used while families languish on waiting lists.

Without a plan to tackle the housing crisis on all fronts, London’s decline is just a matter of time.

How change will happen 

Change is possible, but it will be a long road. It will need sustained, effective campaigning by diverse coalitions, built on solid evidence. And Londoners with direct experience of the housing crisis will need to be at the forefront. It will require a shift in political will to tackle to root causes of low housing supply, and a change in political attitudes towards investing in London.

While change calls for a disciplined focus on London’s housing issues, we will work in partnership to look beyond the city and influence national discourse and policy debates.

What we will fund

We want to fund policy work, research and campaigning focused on tackling the housing crisis. This work should be built around the voice and needs of low-income Londoners. We want to see people with direct experience coming together to build their influence and connections. We value a wide range of expertise.

We are most interested in work that benefits renters rather than landlords or homeowners. We welcome work that leads to better homes and neighbourhoods, giving people on low incomes greater control over where they live.

Examples could include:

  • A diverse portfolio of campaigners advocating for and with groups of Londoners in housing need, especially private renters, disabled, young and racialised people and communities affected by regeneration.
  • High-quality research that generates evidence to support effective campaigns.
  • Initiatives and partnerships across sectors to build connections, voice and influence of people with experience of housing need or strengthen policy and practice.
  • Focused support for organisations working to strengthen transparency and safety and tackle lawlessness and financialisation in the housing market.
  • Looking upstream and long-term in a targeted way, at the planning system, environmental impacts, including retrofit and alternatives to the current system.

We will not fund

  • Work that only benefits one estate or very local area, and has no wider significance or connections.
  • Work that focuses on supported housing or rough sleeping.
  • Campaigns or development work for proposals to develop community-led housing. We may consider making a repayable investment in such cases.

What we're funding

Examples of work we've funded in this area.

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