We want the introduction of technology and artificial intelligence in workplaces to be informed by the experiences of low-paid workers.
The problem we are trying to solve
New technologies and artificial intelligence are transforming jobs and working conditions. But worker’s voices are often absent from decisions that lead to technology being developed or introduced in workplaces.
Some employers adopt technologies while not being equipped to assess their impact on workers and businesses before they are deployed.
Laws and regulations to protect workers rights are lagging technological advancements.
How change will happen
There is a window of opportunity to influence how technologies are developed and rolled out.
Change can happen through effective campaigning and policy work, but also through innovation and developing technologies that helps low paid workers by improving their agency, access to their rights, and amplifying their voice.
What we will fund
Our goal is that the introduction of technology and artificial intelligence in workplaces is informed by the experiences of low-paid workers.
Examples could include:
- Campaigns and policy work to ensure that the development of fast-moving AI regulation is informed by voices of low paid workers.
- Work that brings the experiences of low paid workers into the design, development and testing of workplace technology, including algorithmic systems for impact on workers’ rights.
- High-quality research from worker-led groups, academics, think-tanks or civil society organisations to provide evidence of the impact of technology and artificial intelligence on low pay and conditions of workers in London
- Testing new ways of using technology and artificial intelligence to improve pay and conditions of workers in London.
What we're funding
Examples of work we've funded in this area.