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What we fund – Institute for the Future of Work

Advocating for innovative approaches and best practices to reduce the negative impacts of AI on low-income workers.

Funding snapshot

Programme area: Decent work

Amount: £150,000

Length of grant: 2022-2025

Impact goal: Ensuring that worker experiences inform technological advancements.

The challenge

AI and surveillance technologies are becoming a bigger part of the workplace. But regulation is lacking. This can lead to significant challenges for workers – including unfair labour practices and a lack of transparency in decisions affecting their lives.

The project

We fund the Institute for the Future of Work to develop practices and guidelines to improve workplace conditions and accountability. This includes:

  • Advocate for an ‘Accountability for Algorithms Act’, including through IFW’s roles as the secretariat of the APPG for the future of work, tracking how the UK compares internationally on AI regulation and researching the use of AI and surveillance technology in the workplace. This work has secured cross-party support and influenced government policy papers on regulating AI.
  • Developing legal and practical guides to support workers and employers – and partnering with firms and institutions to promote better practices. These include the Good Work Charter Toolkit, setting out 10 key principles, and Understanding AI at Work, helping employers and workers to understand the human choices in the development of AI systems.
  • Collaborating with trade unions, regulatory bodies and academic institutions to advocate for implementation of regulation.
  • Providing workshops for workers, employers and policymakers to foster a deeper understanding of AI and to embed better policies.