This page brings together a series of maps using data from our London borough comparison tile.
Boroughs have been labelled higher, lower, or mid (average) according to threshold values of one standard deviation above or below the mean of all the borough values.
Homeless acceptances (2020)
Homeless acceptances (2020)
- Note
Some households owed a main duty were previously owed prevention or relief duties, so to avoid double-counting, these figures should not be added up. Quarterly averages have been used to account for seasonality and missing data.
Please note the data shown here refer to an average of four quarters up to 2020 Q1. The latest data that refer to the four quarters up to 2020 Q2 are used in the indicators and borough pages. Maps will be updated in January.
- Data source
Initial assessments of statutory homelessness duties owed, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020
Temporary accommodation (2020)
Temporary accommodation (2020)
- Note
The number of households in temporary accommodation are expressed as a rate per 1,000 households in London boroughs. Separate series for households including children, and those housed outside of their home local authority are also expressed per 1,000 households in the borough.
Please note the data shown here refer to an average of 4 quarters from 2019 Q2 to 2020 Q1. The latest data referring from 2019 Q3 to 2020 Q2 are used in the indicators and borough pages. Maps will be updated in January.
- Data source
Statutory homelessness live tables, Detailed local authority level tables, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020
Evictions (2020)
Evictions (2020)
- Note
Only county court repossessions are detailed here, not claims, warrants or orders
- Data source
Mortgage and landlord possession statistics 2019 Q3 to 2020 Q2, Ministry of Justice. 2018 based Household projections, ONS
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020
Housing affordability (2020)
Housing affordability (2020)
- Note
Gross monthly pay is calculated as 1/12 annual pay. Median rent as a proportion of median gross pay, and lower quartile rent as a proportion of lower quartile gross pay. Please note, these figures do not show what proportion of income actual individuals or households spend on rent
- Data source
Private rental market statistics (April 2019 - March 2020), ONS and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (2019), ONS via NOMIS
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020
Housing delivery (2020)
Housing delivery (2020)
- Note
The average net completions (new units minus demolished units) of housing over a three-year period. Averaging over this period helps to account for significant fluctuations in completions over time. The 'Affordable, social and other discounted' category includes social, affordable and intermediate rented housing and other discounted properties such as starter homes. Please note that the boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest include areas where planning is the responsibility of the London Legacy Development Corporation. The other csv file for this indicator breaks housing completions down by Planning Authority
- Data source
The London Plan Annual Monitoring Report, GLA via London Datastore
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020
Rough sleeping (2020)
Rough sleeping (2020)
- Note
This data is an extract of a database of people who sleep rough who are known to outreach workers. Some individuals will be counted in multiple boroughs
- Data source
CHAIN from St. Mungo's via London Datastore and Spotlight from MHCLG
- Chart source
London's Poverty Profile 2020